4th N 20 / NCL |
24 |
1 |
When you destroy an opponent's CannaBeast with 20% or hgher THC level, increase your pounds by 200. |
Victory Blunt (STASH 1 / AMBUSH)
What’s up Stonerds? Get ready to fire up that victory blunt, we’ve got another great Ambush card released with the NCL set, the Victory Blunt. What better way to cap off getting one of your opponent’s tribute CannaBeasts off of the field than by raising your pounds by an additional 200? I can’t think of a better kicker, especially if you’re able to destroy their beast by battle and can get some damage to your opponent’s pounds in the process.
Not having a stipulation of being destroyed by battle gives you a lot of opportunities to use Victory Blunt. This is a great combination with a removal card giving you the potential to capitalize on both your turn and your opponent’s. Being a stash of 1 as well as being such a playable card Victory Blunt is a fantastic addition to any stash and should definitely be considered next time you’re building a new one or looking for one more spicy card for your main stash.
With each new mini set we keep getting these awesome additions to the game, it’s so great to see all these new ways to capitalize on events during play. And let’s give it up to one of the newest artists to CannaBeast gaming BNaggy for this great contribution! It will be exciting to see what comes next.
Victory Blunt: Pairs well with
Any removal cards.
Thanks Cannafam! Stay Stoney!
--Bruce Dougherty (Batman)